Product Objective


Canine epilepsy is not an insignificant medical problem.

A safe, effective and affordable emergency treatment, that can be administered at home, is needed for the pet owner with a canine experiencing repetitive or status epilepticus seizures. MesaGreen Pharmaceuticals is developing a product that meets this important need.

The potential for permanent harm — or death — is high due to repetitive or prolonged seizures (status epilepticus), even for canines receiving anti-epileptic medication. These types of seizures (repetitive and status epilepticus) require immediate medical intervention. This treatment is often administered in a veterinarian’s office. Because of the financial cost and emotional toll, emergency therapy is not an option for many pet owners.



Over three million canines in the US alone suffer from epilepsy.


The Problem

  • Canines on anti-epileptic drugs still have breakthrough seizures

  • Breakthrough seizures are a medical emergency for canines and if left untreated can result in death

  • The most effective treatment for breakthrough seizures occurs in the veterinarian office at a high cost and logistical burden to the pet owner

The solution

  • Use the same drug veterinarians are using in the clinic to treat breakthrough seizures, but in a delivery system suitable for pet-owner use

  • Reduces the cost of treatment

  • Improve the quality of life for both the pet owner and canine

  • Deliver treatment faster which improves outcomes